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How email marketing can turn subscribers into customers

I'm at my laptop typing, creating content to turn subscribers into customers.

Getting people to sign up to your email list gives you a whole load more control over what your audience sees. It’s true that your emails may end up in someone’s unopened backlog. However, they’re much more likely to see your content than if you rely on social media, so your email marketing can turn subscribers into customers.

The question is, what do you do with your subscribers once they’ve signed up? Read on to find out. (If you’d like to learn more about how to persuade them to subscribe in the first place, read this)

Create a nurture sequence

“What’s a nurture sequence?” I hear you cry. It’s the email equivalent of introducing yourself, welcoming someone into your business and showing them around. You can tailor what you offer them based on what they’re interested in (more on that in a minute), but your aim is to send around five emails to let them know what to expect from you and your business and give them an overview of your services.

Offer a low-cost product

Fear is one of the most common obstacles that prevents anyone from buying from a business for the first time. They don’t want to waste money on something that doesn’t deliver (literally or metaphorically). Offering a low-cost product to a new subscriber helps because they only take a small risk. Depending on your business, you could choose something digital or a small physical product.

Make an offer

Emailing your list can achieve several different goals. Your emails help people get to know you, let you share valuable tips and tell your subscribers how they can work with you. Don’t be afraid to share your services and tell readers how they can book an appointment or buy your newest product. You can also offer them something special…

Make them feel special

Feeling like you’re part of a community can be really special. Your emails can offer that to your subscribers, making them more likely to buy and keep that feeling going. You can make your readers feel special by offering something just for them. That could be a discount, early access to new products or subscriber-only content and events.

Involve them in your process behind the scenes

Showing your customers what’s happening behind the scenes helps them get excited about new products or understand more about your services. Case studies work well for service-based businesses or share images to show what you’re working on. Sharing with your subscribers first gives them that sense of exclusivity and lets you preview subscriber-only deals, but you can also do this on social media.

Include valuable content

It’s important to talk about what you’re selling in your emails, but your subscribers will get fed up if that’s all you do. Share content that helps them learn about what you do and DIY if they need to. Sharing a couple of blog links in your nurture sequence gives new readers quick insights and helps them get more out of your lead magnet.

Tell a story

Telling a story in your marketing helps your audience relate to you as a human being and not just a business owner. It can show them that you understand what they need or how your lives are similar. There are loads of ways to do this, but remember that it’s OK to talk about your life and experiences using your own voice.

Personalise your emails

Your email software should allow you to include someone’s name when you email them. Personalisation can go further than that with the right tools. You can segment your list and contact people interested in specific topics. It’s much easier to turn subscribers into customers when you’re only sending people information about services they’re interested in.

Don’t be shy

If you’ve ever held back from emailing your list because you don’t want to bother them, stop. They signed up to hear from you. If they change their minds, they can unsubscribe, but if they don’t know what you’re offering, they can’t buy.

If you want to write content that will turn subscribers into customers, I can help.  I’ll write blogs, posts and emails to engage your audience and encourage them to buy. If you’d like a chat to find out how it works, you can book a call here.

Do you want useful hints and tips that help you write engaging marketing content, straight to your inbox? Sign up using the form below. I don’t do spam and I’ll never share your information with anyone else.

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Five ways to turn followers into customers

A woman trying to turn followers into customers

Have you spent time building a following on social media only to find it hasn’t translated into paying customers? It’s more common than you think.

Read on for some ways to tailor your content to encourage your audience to buy, and don’t forget that these can work offline too. As long as you make it personal, contacting your networking contacts with information on your services is OK.

Think about what products and services they need

People will only buy things they value, so your marketing needs to show them how they’ll benefit from using your product or service. Basically, what’s in it for them? How do you help them achieve something meaningful, whether getting their baby to sleep or buying a great birthday present? We talk about pain points in marketing, but it doesn’t have to be painful. Tell people about the ways you help them have fun too.

Understanding your audience can also help you (create new products and services. –

Ask questions and build a relationship

Helping your audience get to know you is a vital part of marketing, but it’s even better when it’s a two-way thing. Asking them questions and starting a conversation helps them to feel part of something bigger, where hearing from you makes people happy. I feel like this every time I walk into my favourite café, which is why I keep going back. How can you create that (or keep it going) online too?

Use email marketing

Good marketing emails feel like a message from a friend. While you don’t want to send your potential customers all your gossip, you can tell them what you’re up to and ask them if they’re enjoying the summer, looking forward to Christmas or whatever’s appropriate at the time.

Emails like this are a powerful tool for turning people into customers as you can create a valuable lead magnet, talk about a subject they care about and then mention a product or service that will help.

Share case studies and testimonials

One of the biggest stumbling blocks between you and a new customer is that they don’t know what to expect. They don’t get in touch because they don’t understand how the process works or what results they might get. You can write blogs and social media posts explaining things, but case studies are even better. Case studies show people how you’ve worked with other clients and what the results were.

Testimonials also let your audience hear from happy customers in their own words.

Create a strong CTA

Have you ever read a social media post about a new product or service and thought it sounded great but had no idea how to buy or get in touch to book an appointment? A good call to action lets people know what to do next. That might be sending you a message to book an appointment or giving them a link to your scheduling software or a specific product. However you want people to contact you, make sure it’s obvious in your marketing.

If you want to create content that will turn followers into customers, I can help.  I’ll write blogs, posts and emails to engage your audience and encourage them to buy. If you’d like a chat to find out how it works, you can book a call here.

If you’re planning your Christmas marketing, sign up for my mailing list here for hints and tips to help you create your Christmas campaign. You can also sign up to receive my monthly emails packed with helpful content writing and marketing tips using the form below.