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Your tribe: how you can talk to a niche audience

Talking niche audience tribeThe term ‘tribe’ has become a bit of a business buzzword recently. I’m still trying to work out whether I like it or not, but I know that a lot of you do so I’ll go with it. For me, the word tribe describes a niche audience, people who will come to you because they know you offer what they need.

On reflection I think I prefer talking about ‘my people’. I’ve been part of a fantastic group coaching programme recently and I’ve found myself describing the coach and the other members as my people quite a lot.

Anyway, none of us are here to get into a debate about semantics just now. Whatever you call them, your tribe, people, gang, or fans are all people who like you. Who those people are will depend on your business but the way you speak to them is incredibly important.

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How blogging can help you to attract new customers

Blogging attract new customersI know, I know, you’ve heard it all before. Start a blog and new customers will magically drop into your lap from the sky. Your life will be transformed because suddenly everyone on the internet will be beating a path to your door.

Well… no. Sadly, as with everything else in life, it’s not that simple. If I was a get rich quick guru with a ridiculously expensive blogging course to sell I might tell you that, but I’m not. So far I don’t even have a cheap as chips blogging course for you.

However, what I do have is a firm belief in the power of blogging. I keep hearing that it isn’t relevant any more, or that it’s making a comeback. As far as I’m concerned it hasn’t gone anywhere and it’s still working for me. How does it work? Read on and I’ll tell you.

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Do you want to make your hotel famous?

Hotel famousThere are some hotels whose names will be recognised wherever you go in the world. You could be in New York or on an island somewhere in the Pacific and people will have heard of the Ritz, The Dorchester or Claridges. You might think that your regional hotel will never be able to reach those heights, but there’s no reason why you shouldn’t try and bring a little fame your way.

The question is, how do you do it? Start forging some partnerships…

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What niche do you want to be famous for?

What niche famous forDid my last blog (catch up here if you haven’t read it) sell you on the idea of building your business in a specific niche? If it did, you might have some ideas already about the sort of audience you want to target. If, on the other hand, you’ve no idea what niche you’re aiming for, you’re in the right place.

A quick recap

If you’re taking a TL; DR attitude to my last blog, here’s the short version. Choosing a niche for your business can help you to focus your marketing on a specific set of customers so that they feel you understand them. You can become known as a specialist in your area and get lots of referrals and word of mouth recommendations.

What niche?

So, what niche are you going to choose?

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Why on earth would I want to niche down?

why would I nicheWhen you start talking about niching, people start to panic. It’s a natural reaction. Why would you deliberately narrow your audience when there’s so much potential business out there? You’d have to be crazy to turn good customers away, right?

Well, maybe not. The trouble with marketing to the whole world is that you don’t end up connecting with anyone. A good marketing message connects with your customers in a way that gives them an ‘a-ha’ moment. They read your blog post or see your ad and know that you understand what they need. It all means that the more focused you are, the more likely you are to get that reaction.

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After booking: are you giving good customer care?

After booking customer careIn any industry, there can often be a bit of a gap between a customer making a purchase and actually using the product. Even in my business a fair bit of time can often pass between the initial meeting and delivering the first piece of work. It can be hard to make your customers feel looked after.

This is especially true in the travel business. Unless your customers are making a last minute break for the sunshine several months can often pass between the booking and their actual holiday. So what do you do? Leave them to it and trust that their excitement will build the closer they get to their break? You could, but then you run the risk of your valued customers feeling neglected. If you want to deliver great customer care from the time they book to the journey home, here are a few ideas.

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Your marketing needs great after sales care

After sales careYou put so much effort into marketing your business. You work out who is most likely to buy from you, what they like and where they spend their time.  Then you carefully craft your marketing message and put it where they’re most likely to see it.

(If you’re not doing any of the above, call me.  We need to have a serious talk about how much time and money you’re probably wasting.)

It’s easy to think of marketing as a separate task but it doesn’t have to be that way. Everything you do day to day can play a part in spreading the word.

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The three social media modes and why you need to know about them

You might not have heard about the three social media modes before, but trust me, you’ll want to know about them.  We’ve all heard about Facebook’s new emphasis on building communities. How do you build community? By getting people talking on your posts and about your content.

The most important thing to remember about social media is that it’s social. It’s not about you giving your customers a lecture. They want to see things that inspire them and get them excited rather than just hearing about how wonderful you are.  In short, it’s about them, not you. When your customers see something they enjoy they’ll respond with a like, a comment or by sharing it with their network. That’s where the three social media modes come in.

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