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Confidence: How I learned to be brave and you can too

Confidence_ How I learned to be brave and you can tooDo you recognise the girl in the picture?  If not, I’ll enlighten you.  That’s me, with my maiden name, 15 years ago, appearing on ‘University Challenge’.

I had always lacked confidence because I was a generally unpopular, bookish child at school. Things improved in my teens and I had a much better time when I eventually went to university.

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Getting personal: small group networking doesn’t have to be scary

Last week, I wrote about conferences and how to survive them.  If that sounds like something you need to know you can catch up here.  For me, smaller and more personal events can be even more nerve-wracking.  At least in a big exhibition hall you can be relatively anonymous if you want to.  Walking into a room where everyone knows each other and might just stare at you is just terrifying.

The good news is, it can be done.  You just have to do your research, put on your biggest pants and go.

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Building your network: facing conferences with confidence

Let’s face it, networking can be pretty daunting.  I know people who’ve built successful businesses without ever going to a networking event.  But mostly, if you want to establish a wide network of useful business contacts you’ve got to get out there at some point.

I was very newly self-employed when I went to my first expo.  I decided that I had to be brave and go and network with (hopefully) like-minded people.

I found myself walking into a room that resembled an aircraft hangar.  It was massive.  I confess, I almost ran.  Then I remembered that I had a pocket full of new and shiny business cards that weren’t going to help me unless I gave some out.

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Keeping fit: how you can learn to love exercise and help your business thrive

I love running.  I’m still amazed to hear myself saying that.  I tended more towards the couch potato when I was younger.  It’s probably because I was the clumsiest child in history.  My first primary school teacher told my Mum that I was the only person she knew who could fall over the floor.

So far I’ve managed to avoid major injury whilst running so I keep going.  I’m not all that quick but I feel better afterwards.  If there’s anything worrying me I generally find it seems insignificant when I’m out of breath labouring up a hill.

It can still be a struggle fitting it all in.  One of the reasons I persevere is that I am my business.  It’s important to me to try and stay healthy as there’s no-one else to pick up the slack if I’m out of action.  If you’re one of those people who say that runners are a drain on the NHS because they injure themselves, stop reading now.  We’re not going to get on.

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Your style: how do you communicate and why does it matter?

How do you communicate? Are you blunt and to the point or do you prefer to use inference to get your message across?  Do you worry that you’ll hurt people’s feelings if you speak your mind?  Everyone is different.  If we weren’t we’d all have to do the same job and that would never work.

The way you communicate grows out the type of person you are.  You might be a ‘big picture’ thinker who makes decisions based on your overall impression of a situation.  You’re likely to lose patience with someone who thrives on data and wants to talk you through all of the details.

Why your style matters

Whatever the size or structure of your business, you’re likely to meet people who communicate differently from you.  Managing those relationships well is key to ensuring your business succeeds.

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Food: how eating more healthily could boost your business

Every business woman I know (and a lot of the men too) have struggled with their eating habits at some point.  Of course, that isn’t restricted to business owners.  It’s just as easy for someone with a full time job to eat junk too.

We’ve all heard the lectures about healthy eating but really, who has the time?  We’re busy and the advice about what we should be eating seems to change every week.

The thing is, your business could be depending on you to stay healthy.

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