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How can your marketing look after your existing customers?

Image shows a guest guidebook, which is one way of creating marketing to look after your existing customers.

You know that good customer service is vital to your business. You might think that marketing is all about bringing in new people, but it can also look after your existing customers.

It’s about going above and beyond basic information, like your delivery updates, booking confirmations and contact details. Here are my favourite ways to use your content marketing to look after your existing customers.

Product tips and tricks

Showing customers how to get the best out of a product they’ve already bought shows them you’re interested in more than their money. You want them to get the best results. Instructions on product use are essential, but you can enrich the experience with advanced tips or alternative uses. This could help you attract new customers and support existing ones with the same content.

Sudocrem did this in a recent advert. It’s famous as a nappy cream, but they showed how it can be used on injuries or for skin conditions.

Getting ready

Sometimes, the best way to support your customers is to help them prepare in advance. If they’ve booked a beauty treatment, you should provide safety information, but you can also offer advice on how to make their spray tan last longer or maintain their hair between appointments.

Holiday packing lists can reduce their stress, or if you sell meal kits, you could let them know what kitchen equipment they’ll need. You can use all of these as blog posts to give your audience a taste of the customer experience you offer. It’s even better if you recommend things you don’t sell, as it shows you’re not just looking to make another sale.

Destination guides

I love planning holidays and looking for fun things to do while I’m away with my family. We’ve had some holidays with Eurocamp over the past few years, and they send destination guides via email. Eurocamp design the guides for their customers, so they include details of the facilities and activities on site. However, they also tell you about other things to do in the area, how far away they are and what age group they suit. If I’d written something like this I’d put it on the website too, to attract people who haven’t chosen their destination yet.

I used to write blogs for a holiday park, where customers owned their static caravans. We got great feedback; customers felt the owners cared and wanted them to enjoy their time away.

User-generated content

Big brands often use user-generated content, which is a great way to generate social proof with minimal effort. Encourage your customers to use your product, take a photo of themselves and share it on social media with a hashtag that’s specific to your business.

If you’re sending a physical product, you could include an extra treat, like some sweets or a bar of chocolate, with their order. Alternatively, ask them to showcase the results they’ve achieved with your product by sharing before-and-after photos. You can offer an incentive, such as a discount or entry into a prize draw, for anyone who posts.

Repurpose everything

There’s more than one way to use your content. User-generated before and after photos can go into your emails, website and sales pages, as well as social media. Start with a simplified version of your destination guide on a sales page and create a longer one for customers who’ve already booked their holiday.

You can use almost anything in an email and a blog post. For example, if your customer’s meal kit is on its way, you can let them know what kitchen equipment they’ll need. It could also encourage people who are reluctant to try your product because they’re worried they’ll need lots of fancy kitchen gadgets.

If you want to create marketing content to look after your existing customers and speak to your target audience, I can help.

When you work with me, I’ll get to know you and your business. I’ll suggest topic ideas if you need them, and we’ll spend half an hour a month (or longer if you prefer) chatting about your business and our latest topic. Then I’ll write a post that sounds like the best version of you and that your audience will love. To find out more, email me to arrange a chat or book a call.

Alternatively, sign up for my mailing list here, and you could win a free copy makeover.

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What are your big marketing topics?

Does the phrase ‘content marketing strategy’ bring you out in a cold sweat? Yeah, me too and I write the content! It’s easy to overcomplicate things, but marketing only needs to tell people who you are, what you do and how that helps them. In practice it can be a bit more complex than that. So let’s make it easier. Thinking about your marketing foundations as the big topics helps you work out what you want to say.

Here are my building blocks for your big marketing topics

Why do your big marketing topics matter?

When I first started writing for a living my marketing had lots of useful tips and information about different types of marketing, but very little about how my services helped my clients. Working out what your big topics are helps you focus on what you do and how you help your customers. When your offer it clear your customers know what they’re going to get, so it makes it much easier for people to say “yes, I need that” and contact you to get started.

What products and services do you offer?

Your marketing can talk about different facets of the services and products you offer. For example, I might write about blogging, article writing, email marketing or website content. They’re all services I offer and my marketing can help people understand how they work.

You might have various products with different benefits. Identifying what they are or what groups they fall into helps you work out all the different subject areas you can talk about in your marketing.

Who are you?

I know you know who you are, but what do you stand for? What are your values? Think about the knowledge you’ve picked up along the way, the experience you’ve gained or how your story might resonate with your customers.

Sharing your stories can be a fantastic form of content in itself. However, you can talk about your values and share your experience in many different ways so getting clear on the fundamentals can make your writing better.

What do you want to offer?

You might look at your list of products or services and realise that while you could offer all of them, some of them leave you cold. Getting everything down on paper can help you create content but it also lets you review your business and what you want to offer. You might decide to offer a service if people ask but not include it in your marketing.

If it won’t light you up to offer the service or talk about the product, leave it out of your marketing.

What do your customers want?

Giving your customers what they want doesn’t mean offering services or selling products that you don’t want to. However, it is worth considering what they want or need that you can provide. For example, they might be overwhelmed because they’ve got too much to do and not enough time. They might have a problem that you can solve. Some of the benefits you offer could be tangible while others will be emotional. Think about who your customers are and how you help them.

I don’t do marketing strategy, but once you have a plan I can write the words that help you bring it to life. Book a call here and let’s have a chat about how that could work.

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What marketing makes you cringe?

Good marketing should be memorable, but what if you remember it for all the wrong reasons? Thinking about how some adverts miss the mark can help you avoid making the same mistakes. So, what marketing makes you cringe and why?

Are you being shouted at?

Have you ever watched ‘Horrible Histories’? It’s classic kids’ TV because it also includes jokes for the grown-ups. The ‘shouty man’ character was the perfect parody of adverts that shout at you to make sales. Those types of adverts may have disappeared, but marketing can still make you cringe if you feel you’re being lectured rather than persuaded. You might have something important to say, but meeting your audience where they are is better than trying to shout them down.

Too many clichés

I posted on social media recently, asking people to share their least favourite marketing buzzwords with me. ‘Journey’ came up a lot. It’s not a bad word in itself; it’s just become a cliché because of the number of people using it on reality TV shows.

Avoiding cliché can be tricky. Sometimes, how you phrase something tells your audience what to expect and can be comforting. Each industry has its own words and language patterns, and it can be hard to know when something tips over the edge from familiar to overused. Following other businesses in your niche to see what reactions their content gets can help.

Outdated attitudes

Did you know that the Advertising Standards Agency now has regulations so they can ban harmful gender stereotypes in advertising? We’ve definitely come a long way. A few decades ago, print adverts saw women as either decorative or only good for doing the housework (and suggested that domestic violence was acceptable if she made a mistake). You’d only ever see straight couples and white faces.

Modern adverts are more diverse, but some stereotypes remain. A GAP clothing advert was heavily criticised for suggesting boys are ‘scholars’ while girls are ‘social butterflies’. When you write new content, think about your assumptions about your audience and whether they’re accurate.

Ask whether it’s meant for you

If someone’s marketing makes you cringe, consider whether you’re the intended audience. My kids aren’t teenagers yet, but I still hear the odd word that makes me wonder whether we still speak the same language.

On the other hand, what if you’re a business’s ideal customer, and they’re still driving you away? Are they making uneducated guesses about your life or what you need? To avoid it, try using social media or networking events to ask questions and learn more about what your future customers care about.

Is it inconsistent?

Consistent marketing helps your customers get to know, like and trust you. That doesn’t mean you have to fall into a cosy rut, but it helps if you keep your tone of voice, values and branding consistent so people recognise you.

If a brand you know and love suddenly pops up with something wildly out of character, you might lose trust in them because you suspect they’re going off in a new direction that isn’t for you. That may be a problem if it’s a business you’ve only discovered recently, as inconsistency can prevent you from getting to know them.

If you want to avoid writing content that makes your customers cringe, I can help.  I’ll write blogs, posts, emails and whatever else you need to engage your audience. If you’d like a chat to find out how it works, you can book a call here.

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Five tips to help you get to know your ideal customer

This is me recording videos to share with my ideal customer.

When you get to know your ideal customer, you can write content that speaks to them. Good marketing creates a connection between you and your audience. If you try to write for everyone, you end up with bland content that doesn’t connect with anyone. Here are my top five tips to help you get to know your ideal customer so you can start writing for them.

Who do you work with now?

If you’ve already got a few customers, think about them first. Who do you love working with, and who would you rather be rid of? Think about any common features the two groups share. It could be their age, interests or how they speak to you. If you communicate face to face or via email, are there differences in how you talk to them? Using the same language in your marketing helps you attract more people you like and repel the ones you don’t.

How does your business help people?

Over time, you’ll discover more about how you help your customers achieve their aspirations or overcome challenges.

Some of the benefits of your product or service might not be immediately obvious. For example, you might sell gorgeous jewellery that your customers love to wear or give as gifts. However, they might also come back because you help them choose the right gift or offer a relaxed shopping experience. It helps you add depth to your content as your ideal customers feel seen.

Do you serve people at a particular life stage?

Creating the right content can be easier if your business helps people when they’ve reached a particular life stage. They might be about to retire, have a baby or start a business. However, it’s still important to understand other details about their life. Even if people are at a similar life stage, they might approach it differently. Older people might be looking forward to an active retirement or have health concerns. The language you use for each will be different.

What does your ideal customer care about?

Understanding what your customers care about and why they choose your business helps you target the right people. If you want to educate, it’s easier if you can connect with things they already value. For example, if your fitness business attracts customers who want to improve their health but still have the odd takeaway, your marketing can make them feel welcome. If you’re a financial planner, your customers might not see the benefit in buying life insurance, but they will care about taking care of their family when they’re gone.

How do they spend their time?

Knowing how your ideal customers spend their time helps you in a few ways. It helps you put your content where they’ll see it, whether online or offline. If they’re busy juggling lots of tasks, you can decide when to share something short and snappy and consider when they might have time to read something longer.

Finally, it helps you choose the right language. The way you talk to people who love luxury living will be very different from the language you use for people who prefer being at home in their pyjamas.

If you want to write in a way that shows your customers you understand them, I can help.  I’ll write blogs, posts, emails and whatever else you need to engage your audience and encourage them to get in touch. If you’d like a chat to find out how it works, you can book a call here. Or, use the form below to sign up for monthly content writing tips straight to your inbox.

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Who do you want to talk to in the New Year?

Planning your New Year content - who do you want to talk to?

What do you do next when you’ve set your New Year business goals and worked out what your marketing needs to look like? Think about who you want to work with. Writing content that speaks to your ideal customers means you get to work with people you love, which makes everyone happy. So, who do you want to talk to in the New Year? Here are a few ways to work it out.

Your favourite customers

Having good relationships with your customers makes life a whole lot happier. They benefit from great results, and you can work with people you like and get repeat customers. It’s essential to my business. If we don’t get on, you’re less likely to show me your personality so I can share it in your content.

Think about your favourite customers, what they have in common, and how you talk to them. That way, you can use the same language in your marketing.

Creating a connection

What do your customers like about you? We connect with people for all sorts of reasons. You might share the same sense of humour or have a similar background. Maybe your business grew out of an interest that your customers share. Sometimes, they choose your business over a similar one because they like you or your approach.

Understanding where that connection comes from helps you to write in a way that engages your current customers and attracts new ones.

What gets people talking?

If you’ve looked at your numbers, you should have a good idea about the content that engages your audience and gets people talking. I often find that my most engaging social media posts are the ones that only have a tenuous link to my work. If it’s the same for you, dig a bit deeper. What type of content gets the best response when you talk about your work? Even if it’s only a few likes, it can help you to create new ideas or use similar language.

Are you being yourself?

Putting your personality into your marketing lets you relax and have a conversation with your ideal customers. That’s the theory, at least. I know I’m not the only person who worries about oversharing and putting people off.

As you create new content, ask yourself whether the words are flowing easily or not. If you find it easier to speak naturally in videos, transcribe them and turn them into written posts. Alternatively, you can work with a writer like me who’ll listen to you talk about your business and write new content for you.

What are you offering?

Do your products and services help the people you want to work with? For example, I love working with business owners who have a marketing plan and want a writer to deliver the words. I get excited about working with new people because I want to be part of their team. I still have products and services to help people who are learning, but it’s not what I spend most of my time doing.

Ask yourself whether you’re offering services that don’t get you excited or products you’ve fallen out of love with. Could you drop them and still help the people you want to serve?

If you’ve created a plan and want help writing engaging content that lets your customers get to know you, I can help.  I’ll write blogs, posts, emails and whatever else you need to engage your audience and encourage them to get in touch. If you’d like a chat to find out how it works, you can book a call here.

Or, sign up to my mailing list for hints and tips straight to your inbox every month. You can unsubscribe whenever you like.

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Want to create engaging content? Look at your numbers

Engaging content is about more than words - you need to look at your numbers too.

You might not think words and numbers have much in common, apart from co-existing on a school curriculum. However, your analytics can tell you a lot about what content is striking a chord with your audience and helping you achieve your business goals. Here’s my guide to help you look at your numbers and write engaging content.

Plan your business goals

I’m not going to tell you how to set business goals. For one thing, it’s not my department. For another, your version of success might look very different from mine. However, when you’ve decided what targets you want to hit next year, think about what your marketing needs to do to achieve that. Do you need to reach more people, improve your social media engagement or increase your email subscribers? Knowing where you want people to go helps you focus on the right platforms.

Look at your numbers

You can use your marketing analytics to work out what’s working in terms of the marketing platforms you use and the type of content you create. Reviewing your numbers helps you see what’s working so you can do more of it or tweak things to test a different approach. When you talk about your business, some posts get a better response than others, often due to the language you use.

Remember that what your audience responds to can change over time; regular reviews help you stay up to date.

Think about keywords

I’m hearing more marketing professionals say that SEO is getting less effective. While that’s probably true, there’s still a place for it. Google is the first place many of us ask questions, and if you offer a service in your local area, there are still plenty of people searching ‘service + town’.

So, look at your website analytics. What keywords attracted the most visitors? Where did they go next? Did they leave or visit another page? Look at keywords, but think about the customer journey, too. When people land on your website, what do you want them to do next?

Are your sales pages working?

As the name suggests, sales pages focus on selling one product. Everything on there should be targeted towards persuading someone to decide to buy. If you’re getting lots of visitors but not many sales, look at your language. Does it help your customers understand how buying from you will help them? Does it focus on their needs or your product? If you have some sales pages that work while others don’t, compare the words. Spotting the differences can help you update existing pages to improve their performance.

Social media engagement

If reaching your goals means getting more eyes on your content, look at your social media reach and engagement. Reach is good as it means the algorithm shows your stuff to more people. When your followers engage with a post, it’ll also start showing your posts to more of their friends.

Check your analytics to see which posts got lots of reactions and comments. It shows that the post struck a chord and that you used engaging language. You can create more posts with similar subjects and analyse your tone of voice. Are you using a different style on different posts, and how does that affect the response?

If you want to write engaging content that lets your customers get to know you, I can help.  I’ll write blogs, posts, emails and whatever else you need to engage your audience and encourage them to get in touch. If you’d like a chat to find out how it works, you can book a call here.

Or, for regular writing tips straight to your inbox, sign up using the form below. I’m a vegetarian so I hate spam and I’ll never share your details with anyone else.

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The building blocks of your Christmas marketing plan

Do you have a Christmas marketing plan yet?

Creating your Christmas marketing plan as early as possible is a good idea, but where do you start? Your festive marketing will work best if it’s consistent with your existing brand, but you may also need to make a few changes. Here’s my guide to the building blocks of your Christmas marketing plan.

Who are you talking to?

Whenever you create new marketing, the people you want to talk to must be at the front of your mind. What do they want or need, and how do you help them? This can shift at Christmas, especially if you sell gifts. Think about how you can attract someone looking for a present for your ideal customer and how you’d describe them.

What does your audience need at Christmas?

It’s fair to say that people get a bit stressed at Christmas. (OK, understatement of the century.) What does that look like for your customers? Are they freaking out because they’ve got their extended family descending and have no idea what to cook for a vegan, or are they doing Christmas shopping between the office party and endless school events? Address their Christmas-specific concerns, and you’ll be onto a winner.

What can you offer existing customers?

If you deliver excellent service at Christmas, you’ll have fans for life. Ask yourself what you can offer your existing customers to thank them for their business during the year. For example, you could offer a discount or free delivery if you sell gifts. If you don’t, consider sending your regular clients a Christmas card or present.

How can you attract new customers before things get busy?

If you want to increase your sales during the golden quarter, consider ways to attract new followers to your business before your Christmas marketing starts in earnest. A lead magnet with valuable hints and tips can be simple to create and encourages people to sign up for your marketing emails.

What products are you focusing on?

When you sell conventional Christmas gifts, you’ll probably focus on your best sellers. However, what if you offer alternative gifts or ways to make Christmas more special, such as a Christmas mini photoshoot to get cute pictures of your kids? It’s a good idea to think laterally. For example, a recipe book or meal kits could be ideal if people are feeding a crowd or want something easy to eat in that netherworld between Christmas and New Year.

What if Christmas isn’t about sales?

Christmas might be the golden quarter for many businesses, but it can be quiet for the rest of us. Your Christmas marketing can help to raise awareness of your business so people get in touch in the new year. For example, I once wrote a blog for a bathroom designer offering advice on sharing your facilities with guests over Christmas, including tips on adding an extra shower room in a small space!

Think about content types and platforms

Adding new social media platforms or marketing channels at Christmas creates a risk of spreading yourself too thin without reaching a new audience. Instead, focus on the platforms and content types that work all year round, but do more of them. Thinking of ways to repurpose your content can help with this.

Make sure you have any new branding across platforms

Christmas branding can make your leaflets, emails, and social media feeds more festive and draw your audience’s attention. It’s vital to keep elements of your existing brand and keep it consistent across all your platforms so your followers will still recognise you.

If your Christmas plan involves creating a lot of new marketing content, I can help. I’ll write blogs, emails and product descriptions and repurpose them to make your content go further. If you’d like a chat to find out how it works, you can book a call here.

Alternatively if you want some Christmas content inspiration to help you create your own festive marketing campaign, sign up for my email list here. You’ll receive a copy of my eBook ‘Christmas content ideas to fire your imagination’ as a thank you from me, and you can unsubscribe whenever you like!

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Why you need to plan your Christmas marketing in the summer

Woman on a beach thinking about planning her Christmas marketing.

If your thoughts are somewhere on a beach right now, shifting your mindset to crackling log fires and Santa’s Grotto might be a big ask, but I promise it’s worth it. Here’s why it’s a good idea to plan your Christmas marketing in the summer.

You can plan the build-up

Most Christmas marketing campaigns start sometime in November. That might still feel as if you’ve got a long time to sort your Christmas marketing out, but starting early gives you time to plan your build-up. Think about what marketing you want to do and when. If you make products, what are your final order dates going to be?

Drip-feeding your marketing over a longer period works better than bombarding your audience at the start of December. Starting your planning now helps you to think about how that will work.

Get suppliers in place

When you’ve created your plan, you might find that you need help from a writer, graphic designer or gift supplier. If you don’t already have regular suppliers, you’ll need to find some and forward planning lets you do that. If you want your Christmas marketing to include magazine advertising, you’ll need to work to their deadlines, which might be earlier than you expect.

Even if you already have some trusted suppliers on board, working on your Christmas marketing might increase their workload. If you’ve planned ahead, it means they can too.

Schedule your marketing

If Christmas is the busiest time of the year for your business, you’ll need to focus on sales and customer service rather than worrying about your marketing. Get your content written, images created, and everything scheduled ahead of time so that you don’t have to think about it again. Depending on the platforms you use, you can do this with social media posts, blog posts and emails.

Print marketing can also be very effective, so think about how and when you can distribute leaflets or brochures.

Think about platforms

Social media is still a useful marketing tool. Think about the platforms you use and what type of content you’ll create. You might be tempted to add new platforms, but your marketing is more likely to be effective on platforms where you already have a following.

Think about other types of marketing too. Do some Christmas-focused SEO research and update your website. Talk to other businesses that complement yours and see if you can join forces to reach a wider audience. That could be online or by sharing brochures and leaflets.

Attract new followers

I’ve already mentioned planning the build-up for your Christmas marketing. Part of that could include attracting new followers who’ll benefit from what you offer. Consider what you could include to encourage them to follow you on social media or sign up for your email list.

Part of that could be a lead magnet that helps them to solve a Christmas-related challenge, such as gift buying, entertaining or reducing their Christmas stress. I’ll be sharing a few more lead magnet ideas on social media, so come and follow me on Facebook or Instagram for extra inspiration.

If your Christmas plan involves creating a lot of new marketing content, I can help. I’ll write blogs, emails and product descriptions and repurpose them to make your content go further. If you’d like a chat to find out how it works, you can book a call here.

Alternatively if you want some Christmas content inspiration to help you create your own festive marketing campaign, sign up for my email list using the form below. You’ll receive a copy of my eBook ‘Christmas content ideas to fire your imagination’ as a thank you from me, and you can unsubscribe whenever you like!

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How you can reuse old marketing content

Reuse old marketing content

Batch-creating content is one of the easiest ways of creating consistent marketing content when you’re busy, but it’s not the only way. If you’ve been marketing your business for a while, you might think you’ve covered every possible subject. You could be right, but there’s always a new way to address the same topic. Here’s how to reuse old marketing content and give it a fresh spin.

Choose the right content

Sometimes, you write a blog post or share something on social media, and it strikes a chord, while other things fall flat—understanding which is which can help you decide which posts to use again. When you reuse old content, make sure it’s something that worked well the first time around. Alternatively, choose an evergreen topic that won’t date.

Look at your social media statistics or Google Analytics to work out what went well.

Share something again

Reusing content can sometimes be as simple as sharing it again. If a topic is still relevant and the advice you’d give hasn’t changed, there’s no harm in reposting it. Newer followers won’t have seen it, and it can be a helpful reminder of key principles for people who’ve been with you for a while.

Think carefully about timing so your content doesn’t get repetitive. I’d recommend waiting at least six months, possibly longer, before sharing something again.

Update an old blog post

You might have a post where the subject is still relevant, but some of the information you want to share has been updated. You can reuse old content by tweaking it instead of writing a new post.

For example, a post on financial planning might have the same core advice, but you need to update it to reflect that some of the tax rules have changed.

Reuse the idea

Reviewing your old content can reveal old posts where the topic is still relevant but where you’d give completely different advice. For example, there may have been a change in the law, new research or advances in your industry, or you’ve got more experience to share.

You’ll need to write a new post, so it isn’t a quick fix when you’re short on time. However, it’s great for SEO, showing Google that your content is still relevant.

Go in-depth on a subheading

This is an easy way to come up with a new topic, but you’ll still have to find time to write a new blog post. If you’ve written a general overview of a subject, pick one of the subheadings and write a more in-depth piece.

For example, if you’ve written a post about healthy eating, you might have a paragraph on eating your five a day. That could turn into a post about the health benefits or tips on ways to eat more vegetables.

Change the format

I’ve talked about ways to make your content go further before, and there are loads of ways to do it. You can reuse old content by changing the format. That could mean breaking down a blog post, sharing the same content in a video or turning a series of blog posts into an eBook.

You can also share old content on a new platform that you want to try out.

Do you want to stop creating your own marketing content? I can help create posts that make your content go further. If you’d like a chat to find out how it works, you can book a call here.

You can also sign up to receive monthly emails packed with helpful content writing and marketing tips using the form below.

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What kinds of content will help you grow your audience?

Chimp and stormtrooper thinking about content types.
Image by Julie Grant Photography

Growing your business means getting yourself noticed. What content can you create to attract new social media followers and website visitors and let people find out about you when you’re not face-to-face?

Read on for some ideas.

Be creative in how you present information

Whenever you create new content, think about how you can reuse it, so your audience gets the point no matter what kind of content they prefer. For example, you can edit your website copy for leaflets and present social media posts as text, graphics or videos.

Keyword blogs and articles

Writing blogs or articles using keywords your customers are searching for will help you show up in a Google search. You can also share them on your socials and educate people about your services. So, think about your services and what you want to be known for, and write about that.

Case studies

Case studies show your future customers the results you’ve got for real people like them, so it helps them trust you. Sharing them on your website helps your SEO, and you can post them on your socials or make a video telling the story.


Testimonials work the same way as case studies, except they come straight from your customers. Google reviews help your SEO, but you can also make graphics out of positive reviews and share them as posts.


Infographics help people remember information so they can make great posts, and you can include them as a summary in your blog posts. They’re good on Pinterest as you can use them to summarise a longer article and post them with a link.

List articles

List articles could include top tips, questions, or your favourite resources; there are loads of possibilities. Post them on your website and break them down into individual social media posts and Reels or summarise the key points.

Personal stories

Sharing your story helps your customers get to know the person behind the business. A story can be an article or a few sentences so you can share them on your website and social media as text, images or videos.

Business cards

Believe it or not, some of us still have business cards (mine are from pre-lockdown). They’re great for networking, but you can carry them all the time; I once had someone ask for my card at a kids’ birthday party!


Leaflets offer more information than your business card can, which means you can pin them on your local noticeboard, leave them on a bumph table in a café or send them in the post.


Brochures let you show off your work and give more details about your products and services. They can be pricey, so you could stick to sending them in response to new enquiries, but they can be a great way to introduce yourself to new people, especially if you offer a B2B service.


You’ve probably seen personalised merchandise at expos and trade fairs, but they work well as thank-you gifts and as a way of introducing yourself by post. The great thing about products with your name on is that people will keep them where they can see them, so they remember you.

Do you want to grow your audience by creating content that speaks your customers’ language? I can help with that. If you’d like a chat to find out how it works, you can book a call here.

You can also sign up to receive monthly emails packed with useful content writing and marketing tips using the form below.