I love running. I’m still amazed to hear myself saying that. I tended more towards the couch potato when I was younger. It’s probably because I was the clumsiest child in history. My first primary school teacher told my Mum that I was the only person she knew who could fall over the floor.
So far I’ve managed to avoid major injury whilst running so I keep going. I’m not all that quick but I feel better afterwards. If there’s anything worrying me I generally find it seems insignificant when I’m out of breath labouring up a hill.
It can still be a struggle fitting it all in. One of the reasons I persevere is that I am my business. It’s important to me to try and stay healthy as there’s no-one else to pick up the slack if I’m out of action. If you’re one of those people who say that runners are a drain on the NHS because they injure themselves, stop reading now. We’re not going to get on.