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5 Christmas blog post ideas for businesses that create the perfect day

Perfect Christmas blog post ideas

There are lots of fantastic businesses selling perfect Christmas gifts, but what about the rest of you? What if your business helps your customers to create the perfect Christmas? There are a whole range of businesses that offer everything from Christmas essentials to the finishing touches. Food, drink and Christmas decorations are obvious examples but there are lots of areas where people need some help to create the perfect Christmas. There can, of course, be plenty of overlap. I always feel as if I’m preparing for the apocalypse when the Christmas food delivery arrives, but there are always a few bottles of wine heading out as gifts too.

If you sell fashion or beauty it’s easy to focus on gifts but do your customers also need help deciding what to wear to the Christmas party or while they’re serving up turkey? Think about what will go into your customers’ perfect Christmas and talk about that. Here are just a few ideas to get you started.

1.        Making the perfect Christmas easier

Creating the perfect Christmas sounds like a great idea but it can get stressful pretty quickly. If you offer something that helps to take some of the stress away, tell people about it. It could be anything from a handy short cut to Christmas on a plate. Do you offer pre-stuffed turkeys or a gift wrapping service? Can you deliver to their door to save them yet another trip to the shops?

If you give Christmas preppers one less thing to think about, let them know.

2.        Feeling good at Christmas

Are your customers are people who generally feel frazzled by the time Christmas is over? Help them out with a blog post that helps them make things better. It could be anything from advice on taking time out and still getting everything done through to nutrition to stop them getting ill.

Maybe they want to feel dressed up but not overdressed for Christmas dinner. I know there are people who feel perfectly comfortable dressing up to the nines to scoff sprouts – personally, I’m not one of them.

3.        Perfect Christmas entertainment

We’ve all been there – Christmas dinner is over and everyone just wants to slump in a chair. Christmas telly sounds like a great idea until the arguments over who wants to watch what get going. Either that or the kids have opened all of their presents and are bouncing on your last nerve whilst you’re trying to cook.

If you have the solution to either of those challenges, tell your customers about it. I promise they will love you for it.

4.        A green Christmas

Environmental issues are on everyone’s minds. The drive to reduce the volume of single use plastics we throw away every year is now a key influence in lots of people’s buying decisions. Of course, you’re not restricted to talking about plastic. You can tell your customers about anything you do to help lessen your (and their) environmental impact.

Give people 5 ways that they can use your products to have a green Christmas and you’ll be on to a winner.

5.        Christmas tips

Tips posts are a great way to catch your customers’ attention at any time of year, but they’re especially valuable at Christmas. This type of blog post works because it gives people information in easily digestible chunks. They’re perfect for busy people (which is basically all of us at Christmas).

I’ve talked about helping people who want quick fixes, but there is just as big an audience for advice on how to do things properly. If you have advice on preparing the perfect Christmas dinner, expert wrapping tips or the best way to decorate your tree, share them.

If you haven’t planned your Christmas marketing yet and want some ideas for posts to take you through December and up to Christmas Eve, sign up for my mailing list using the form below. You’ll get a copy of my free guide to creating your ultimate Christmas marketing plan.

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Hallowe’en: what’s your story?

Hallowe'en skull, book and bottle.

I know that there are lot of different views out there about Hallowe’en. Lots of you love it, others think it’s over commercialised rubbish. Take to Twitter and you’ll find a growing movement of evangelists who see it as Satan worshipping. They clearly haven’t done their research. Hallowe’en grew out of Samhain, the old Celtic New Year celebrated by Pagans. The last time I checked, Pagans didn’t actually believe in the devil.

Of course, it’s easy to suggest that views on Hallowe’en are all black and white. Really, it’s far more complicated than that. That’s why I decided to give you my perspective on Hallowe’en.

The fun bits

As regular readers will know, I have two young children. They’ve been excited about Hallowe’en since the end of September and are both incredibly disappointed that their school won’t let them wear costumes instead of uniform.

As I write this, debate in our house is still raging about whether we’re going out trick or treating or just getting a big tub of sweets to hand out to anyone who calls. Trick or treating is mostly fairly good natured near us so I suspect the final decision will be made by the weather. I know that a lot of people regard it as an American tradition that we’ve had foisted onto us. Personally, I enjoy it. It makes me feel part of a community and its fun trying to guess whether a child we know is hiding behind that mask.

Hallowe’en horror

Of course, I know that Hallowe’en in general, and trick or treating in particular, isn’t fun for everyone. We’ve always observed the rule that you only knock at doors that have a pumpkin on display. Last year a house near us put sweets by the front door with a note asking that we didn’t ring the bell as they were trying to get their baby to sleep. If that had been me, any interruptions would have ended in a real horror story!

Unfortunately not everyone behaves well. Every year we hear stories about people being terrorised or having their property vandalised because they didn’t answer the door. The playground heard tales of little kids in tears because someone had smashed their pumpkin for fun or chased them down the road with an axe. Those stories make me wonder what goes on in people’s heads (and have inspired a few ideas for crime stories – watch this space).

The memorial

For me, Hallowe’en isn’t just about pumpkins and scary stories. It’s a memorial too. There’s a Pagan concept which says that the veil between the living and the dead is at its thinnest on Hallowe’en. That’s why it’s become associated with ghosts and spirits, as it was thought to offer the best chance of communicating with your departed loved ones.

It’s a different kind of remembrance for me. We always celebrated Hallowe’en when I was growing, with a carved pumpkin and lots of sweets. Oh, and a birthday cake. I know that’s not traditional, but my Dad was born on Hallowe’en. That was the main reason for the party.  He died a few years ago so the meaning of Hallowe’en has changed for me. It’s a tough day because I miss him, but it also gives me the chance to look back and be grateful for his life.

Why am I telling you all this? The truth is, our stories are important. They help us to find our people, in business and life in general. That’s why we should never be afraid to share. Thanks for reading.

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Microblogging: why you need to start small

Microblogging - small is beautiful.

The idea of writing a blog can seem a bit daunting. Maybe writing doesn’t come naturally to you or you’re just out of practice. Sitting in front of a blank screen trying to come up with something good to blog about could be your worst nightmare. Either that or you try it and end up spending a whole day getting it to sound right (or giving up because it doesn’t). If that sounds familiar, microblogging could be your new best friend. Read on to find out what it’s all about…

What is microblogging?

Microblogging is basically a mini blog (sorry for stating the bleeding obvious). If you’ve never heard the term before, you actually see microblogs all the time. Tweets, Facebook updates and Instagram posts are all microblogs. The essence of microblogging is about sharing a quick snippet of information. It could be anything from a link, to a photo, some text or a video.

The key thing to remember about microblogging is that it’s relatively short and to the point. A standard blog post could be anything from 350 words up – generally a microblog should be shorter than that. Of course, there are no hard and fast rules. If you’ve got something to say and you want to put it on Instagram, knock yourself out. You’ve got over 2,000 characters to play with so you can say quite a lot. As always, the key is to think about what you have the time and skill to produce and what will be helpful to your audience.

How you can use microblogging

Microblogging is a brilliant way to get used to writing because you can be brief while still saying more than you usually would. I know that sounds as if I’m completely contradicting myself, but bear with me. If your standard Facebook post only runs to a couple of sentences, is it because the things you talk about don’t need more than that or because you feel you have to keep posts really short? If it’s either of those, think about what that’s telling your customers. As small businesses we need to build trust with our audience. That only happens when you offer useful information or let people get to know you.

The next time you go to a business event, try posting more than ‘here I am at X for networking’. Relax and talk about what you get out of the event as if you were telling a friend. You don’t have to write loads but it gives people a bit of insight. Also, because it’s social media you get immediate feedback.

The downsides

Of course, there can be downsides to microblogging. One of the main potential pitfalls is if you don’t establish clear boundaries when you start. I’ve talked about maintaining your privacy when you blog before but it bears repeating. Letting your audience get to know you is great, but not if you let it intrude too far into your life. For example, would you want some random person to see your Facebook posts and be able to work out where you live or where your kids go to school? There has even been debate about whether the availability of information on Twitter made super injunctions pointless.

From a practical point of view, microblogging on social media has one major drawback. It doesn’t help your search engine rankings. A website based blog, updated regularly, helps you to get found on Google whereas social media just builds your profile. That’s why I’d suggest building your confidence with microblogging then moving on to a blog. Then you get the best of both worlds.

Further reading

You can choose subjects for microblogs in the same way as you would for a traditional blog. Here’s how to get started.

For blogging and marketing tips straight to your inbox every month, sign up to my mailing list here and receive a free guide to getting your
business out of hiding!

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Blogging vs YouTube: which side are you on?

YouTube icon

Ladies and gentlemen, let us consider the contenders in tonight’s match. In the red corner – blogging, communicating with your customers using the written word on your website (or a few other places – but that’s for another blog post). In the blue corner – YouTube, letting you talk to your customers face to face. Which will win? Or, more to the point, which should you choose? Because when it comes to blogging vs YouTube, the thing that really matters is knowing what will work for your audience.

Who are you talking to?

As with everything else in marketing, the first question you need to ask is – who am I talking to? It’s all very well saying that you only want to blog because you hate being on video, but what if your customers love YouTube? I confess that my YouTube viewing is fairly limited because my kids love it. If I try and watch anything while they’re still awake I end up with demands for videos about Lego and slime. Reading a blog is far easier.

Even if you’re able to choose, some of your customers might just prefer reading. Deciding what content to create ultimately comes down to what your ideal customer wants to see. (For more on that, read this.)

What do you want to say?

Sometimes the message you want to send is short and snappy – a quick tip or reminder that your event bookings are closing, for example. You might just want to ask a question for your audience to ponder. These are perfect for short social media posts or videos. Video is also amazing if you’re interviewing someone or having a discussion as it makes the audience feel part of the conversation.

On the other hand, maybe you want to offer something a bit more in depth. If you’re writing a step by step guide or a range of questions to ask, it’s far easier for your audience to follow if everything’s written down. For me, reading a blog often feels more like a one to one chat too.

Do you need to be on YouTube?

Have a gold star if you’ve already asked the obvious question. You can post video almost anywhere you like, why would you need YouTube? Good point. Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and Twitter all allow you to upload video (obviously it’s not just them either – I’m ignoring the others for now). I’m glad you asked.

Firstly, Google owns YouTube. That means that having a YouTube channel could boost your search engine ranking. You can also embed YouTube videos on your website. There’s also less competition from other businesses giving you the chance to find your niche audience.

Of course, if your audience never use YouTube (or only watch it for cat videos), it could be a pointless exercise. It all comes back to knowing your audience.

Blogging vs YouTube: which will win?

Honest answer? They both will if you use them properly. Even though Google owns YouTube, when it comes to your website, words still win. Regularly updated and useful content will push you up the search engine rankings and help your customers find you in a way that video won’t.

Video is still a massive growth area and a great way to attract attention on social media. Plus, if you’ve gone to the effort of creating a video, why not share it wherever you can? You can even cover the same topics across your blog and videos as the audience is unlikely to be the same. Just don’t read your blog out on video. That would be like watching paint dry.

Further reading

For more on repurposing your blog, read this.

Ready to get started on YouTube? Here’s an in depth guide from Hubspot.

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Does your blog suit the season?

Change of season - autumn leaves blog header

Marketing success isn’t just about how good your message is. It’s about catching your audience at the right time and in the right mood. If you think about what season it is and what’s happening in their lives you can include references to the things you can help with at the right time. Here’s my handy guide to help you write your blog to suit the season (and bring the rest of your content in line too).

Your customers

When you’re planning your marketing, think about your customers first. If you want your message to resonate it needs to be targeted (for more on that, read this. When you know who you’re talking to you can identify the things they’ll be thinking about at any given time of year. If your customer is a mum with her own business she’ll be thinking about Christmas in terms of the family logistics, present buying and school activities. She’ll also be wondering how she’s going to market her business in the run up, particularly if Christmas is peak sales time. Other times of year will bring different concerns and understanding that helps you to talk to your customer in a way that makes sense.

Blog topics

I use blogs as the central point in my marketing. You can choose a suitable theme that relates to your business and the time of year. I talk about blogging and writing all year round, but I sometimes have topics that I can tailor to suit the season and you will too. For example, a travel agent could talk about their top 5 family summer breaks then top 5 skiing holidays later in the year. Winter skincare is going to be different from summer so you can write different blogs for each.

Of course, not every blog has to be seasonal. Even if a blog isn’t talking about a specific occasion you can schedule it to suit what’s going on with your customers. For example, I might write a piece on learning to blog to go out in September when the kids are back at school and there’s time to focus on the business.

Planning ahead

I plan my overall marketing a few months in advance, then work out the details a month or two before I send it out. It’s also worth thinking about when your customers will need your help. I started talking about Christmas marketing in July. I know, ridiculously early, but if my customers want my help with their Christmas campaign that’s the ideal time to start. I can still help further down the line but it makes things a bit more stressful. If your customers won’t want to hear about Christmas until December, you can adjust the timetable.

I use my blog posts to inspire as many of my other social media posts as possible. (Read this blog to find out why.) Of course, that doesn’t mean that I don’t do posts about specific services, I just make sure that they fit with what I’ve been talking about for the rest of the month. Doing it this way means that I can schedule as much as possible in advance so I’m not panicking about what I’m posting.

So, if you want to try working seasonally, here’s how to do it:

  1. Work out what your customers will be thinking
    about at different times of year.
  2. Plan your blog topics a few months in advance to
    talk about those topics.
  3. Plan the rest of your marketing posts around
    your blogs.

If you haven’t thought about your Christmas marketing yet, there’s still time. Sign up to my mailing list and receive your free copy of ‘Your complete guide to Christmas content’. I won’t spam your inbox or share your information with anyone else.

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How you can make your blog work harder for you

Make your blog work harder for you.

I know that a lot of you probably think that writing a blog sounds like a lot of effort. I’m not going to lie to you, it can be. There are plenty of people out there who’ve told me that they spent an entire afternoon trying to write a blog only to end up with something they weren’t happy with. It’s had them sending their blog post straight to the bin and they never try again. After all, you’ve got enough to do creating the rest of your marketing content without spending hours on one blog post, right? It doesn’t have to be like that. If you can write one blog a month (or get someone like me to write one for you) it can go much further than you think. It could even make creating the rest of your content much easier. I decided to see how far one blog post can go, so that you can discover how to make your blog work harder for you.

So, here’s my guide to some of the ways you can take one blog post and turn it into much more.


I’ve started with this one because it creates the most work. You can use a blog post to inspire your videos and share a link to your post. You could use a live video to give a brief introduction or offer some tips. I create tips based videos with Ripl using still images so it’s not just my face on camera all the time. You could also share one tip in a weekly live if you want to go into greater depth.

Blog images

A good blog post should have at least one striking header image so why not reuse it? You can share an image with a snippet from your blog’s introduction on multiple platforms. If you use a DIY graphics platform like Canva you can create multiple images to showcase different bits of your blog, or even relevant quotes.

You can also share behind the scenes images. They can reflect your theme and show your audience the person behind the business.

Share your blog on other platforms

If you’re only marketing on Facebook, you’re probably missing a trick. That said, I don’t believe in spreading yourself too thinly either. Creating content for multiple platforms can get stressful very quickly. However, if you’re on Facebook and Instagram with a side order of LinkedIn, there’s no harm in sharing edited versions of the same thing as long as they’re not completely identical.

It makes your content go further and lets you see what kind of content works on different platforms.

Ask a question

Asking questions of your audience is a great way to get them engaged. It’s even better if you can get them talking about your blog post topic. You could ask about the things they struggle with or if they use any resources that could help. Of course, sometimes it’s best to keep it simple. For example, I could ask who writes a blog and who doesn’t. If lots of people say that they don’t I can follow up by asking why. It doesn’t just get people talking – it could also inspire future posts.

There you have it – I’ve set myself a challenge to create most of my content for this month from this blog post. If you don’t already follow me on Facebook come over and see how many posts I manage to create from just this one.

If you’d like me to create a blog post for you (and give you some ideas on how to reuse it) just email me to get the ball rolling. Or sign up to my email list here for a step by step guide to writing your own blog.

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How do you write a blog and keep your privacy?

blogging privacyOne of the many benefits of writing a blog (if you want to know the others read this) is that it helps your future customers get to know you. You can talk to them about the stuff they’re interested in like a human being rather than a corporate cardboard cut-out. A lot of people love the idea of buying from a small business but they’re wary of being ripped off. The end result is that they go and buy something from a reliable big name brand and not you. A blog helps you to overcome that by letting them see the person behind the business. Of course, the downside of this is that you have to put yourself front and centre. The idea of sharing your story is all very well but what if there are still parts of your life that you want to protect? The good news is that you can write a blog and still maintain your privacy. You just need to follow a few simple steps.

Consider the law

There are certain professions where you need to be careful about what you write. If you offer any kind of medical or psychological treatment, it goes without saying that your patients’ information is confidential. You could potentially still write case studies but they’d have to be heavily anonymised. You’d also still need the patient’s permission.

A lady at one of my workshops had signed an NDA which meant she wasn’t allowed to talk about her former employer at all. Even an anecdote could potentially be recognisable. In circumstances like that you should probably stick to referring to something that an experience taught you rather than the experience itself.

Set your boundaries

Before you start writing your blog it’s a good idea to consider what you’re willing to share. The ultimate aim in writing a blog is to promote your business. Your focus should always be on your customer and what they need to know. Personal information is where it helps you to show your customer that you’re their kind of person.

If you work with parents and have children yourself it gives you common ground. However you can still draw a line. Think about how much of your family life you’re willing to share and set your personal boundaries early on.

Give the edited highlights

Once you’ve decided how much information you’re able and willing to share, you can start getting specific. One of my key priorities is to protect my children’s privacy. As you can see, it doesn’t mean that I can’t mention them at all. There are so many common reference points between parents that you can be a bit generic and still strike a chord. (In fact it’s one of the few places where cliché can sometimes work.) Every parent knows the struggle of a non-sleeping baby or trying to get small children to put their shoes on.

Whatever you want to say, think about the ways you can offer a shared experience.

Other people in your blog

The way you talk about other people in your blog doesn’t just apply to your children. There’s a potential story in every encounter you have with a client, networking contact or even someone in a Facebook group. There are certain types of conversation that you might have on a regular basis, but others will be unique. Think about whether the person you’re writing about could be identified from the information you’ve given. If they are you might still be able to talk about them, but get their permission first. (In case you’re wondering, I’ve been in touch with NDA lady to get the OK from her.)

If you’d like to learn more about putting your personality into your marketing, sign up to my mailing list for useful hints and tips every month. You’ll also receive a copy of my free guide ‘Stop hiding your business!’

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Why you need a blog for your business

you need a blogI’m generally not a fan of stating the bleeding obvious. I don’t like it when people talk down to me so there’s no way I’m going to do it to anyone. The trouble is, sometimes it leads me to credit people with knowledge that they don’t already have. This is not a criticism. When you’re a small business owner there’s a massive amount of stuff to learn. Even if marketing is towards the top of your list of things to get to grips with, the benefits of writing a blog could still be a long way down. If that’s the case for you, here’s why a blog could do wonders for your business.

It’s great for SEO

If SEO makes you want to hide, don’t worry. It’s basically increasing your chances of getting found in a Google search. There’s a lot out there about how Google algorithms work so I won’t repeat it here. However, if you write a blog that focuses on words and phrases that are key to your business then you’re more likely to be found when your customers search.

The words you choose depend on your business. You can choose words that reflect your services or target a particular region. It won’t surprise you to learn that blogging and writing both feature in my list. Just think about what your customers will be searching for.

It builds your profile

Profile building can be a massive amount of work if you let it. You can promote yourself in any number of ways, from online marketing to networking, public speaking and a whole host of PR strategies. You could, in theory, spend so much time promoting yourself that you don’t get any work done.

A blog can be a great way to share your knowledge and demonstrate your expertise. Write regularly and share your blog on relevant social media platforms and your reputation will start to grow. The best part is that you can outsource it if it becomes too time consuming.

A blog talks to your customers

The great thing about a blog is that they’re designed to be persuasive but not to give people the hard sell. Sometimes a potential customer will find your blog because they’re looking for a specific piece of information or a particular service. At other times they might start reading because it’s a subject they’re interested in. Reading a blog should feel a bit like chatting to a well-informed friend. You learn something but also come away feeling entertained.

The point is that a blog enables your customers to get to know, like and trust you. That can result in sales further down the line but it can also reach those people who need help straight away.

It’s endlessly reusable

I’m willing to bet that every piece of marketing advice you’ve ever heard has mentioned consistency. Wherever you share your message you need to be doing it regularly to have an impact. The main reason for this is that drip feeding allows people to absorb information slowly. That’s much more effective than dumping everything in their lap at once.

The problem with this is that it creates constant demand for content, even if you don’t post every day. It can get pretty tiring over time. However, if you create a blog once a month you can use it in lots of different ways. Use your blog post as a central theme and you share snippets with images, as tips and in videos. (I’m contemplating producing a template to show you how this works, so watch this space.)

If you like the idea of starting a blog but would rather get someone else to do it, let me help. You can find out more about my blog writing packages here or just get in touch at

Alternatively, sign up here for monthly blogging tips straight to your inbox.

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How you can start storytelling in your marketing

How to start storytellingI know, you’ve heard people like me bang on endlessly about using storytelling in your marketing. It’s a great way to get personality into your content and set yourself apart from the crowd. The thing is, how do you do it? It won’t surprise you to hear that it’s not just a case of telling everyone your life story. It’s all about balance. Your customers will love the fact that you’re relatable but they mainly want to hear about how your business can benefit them. Here’s how you can start using storytelling in your marketing.

Dig deep

You already know the good news about storytelling. Here’s the bad(ish) news. You need to put some work in. As with anything that’s worth doing, using storytelling in your marketing requires a bit of groundwork. If you don’t believe in what you’re saying your customers will spot it. Your message comes across as half-hearted and no-one will buy into it. That’s the last thing you want.

This means that your first step is to work out exactly what your story is. There are loads of things that go into this. If you’ve ever thought about your ‘why’, you’re halfway there. Think about why you chose to start this type of business, or to become self-employed at all. What are your values? How does your lifestyle and history relate to your business? Dig down to the core of what motivates you and write it all down.

What do your customers care about?

Once you’ve got a clear picture of what you’re about, start looking at it from a customer focused angle. People do business with you because you offer something that they need. As consumers we’ll often choose a big brand because we’re confident they’ll deliver most of the time. We know what they’re offering and have clear expectations. As a small business you need to build all of that into your marketing. Your customers only really care about your story because it gives you substance. If you share their values or understand their lives you’re much less likely to let them down.

What does this mean for storytelling? It means that you need to look at what your values are and decide which of them your customers will care about. If you offer products or services for children, parents might trust you more if you’re a parent yourself, or have a childcare background. Look at your story and work out which bits are going to be important to your audience.

The storytelling drip feed

About once a month I’ll write something that isn’t really related to my business. It doesn’t help you to work out how to write your blog or improve your website, it just tells a story. They usually end up having some kind of business relevance because it’s often a story that tells you how I got to where I am or what an experience has taught me.

If you want to do something similar, there’s no reason why you shouldn’t. You can use storytelling any way you want and if you’re talking about something that helps your audience relate to you better, that’s great. However, it’s not the only way. You can still drip feed your story into your blog or business related social media posts. For example, you could post a time management tip on Facebook and sign off with a joke about being late for the school run. Or write a blog with tips to get something done more quickly (because the only long winded thing about your day should be getting the kids into their shoes).

Do you need to start storytelling? Sign up to my mailing list for your free guide and lots of hints and tips.


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What I’ve learned from being a PTFA mum

PTFA MumIt’s time that I came out of the closet. I’m one of ‘those’ Mums. The ones they warn you about when your child is starting school. I’m the person you’re encouraged to actively avoid in the playground. I’m the chair of the PTFA at my sons’ school. Before either of my kids started school I wouldn’t have had myself down as a PTFA person at all, even though my Mum volunteered at every school fair when I was the same age. I was invited to a meeting to write an article for the local magazine about the latest fundraising project and found myself inspired by everyone’s enthusiasm. I’m stepping down next term and my last event is done and dusted. I found myself wondering (not for the first time) why I took it on in the first place and what I’ve learned. Here’s what I came up with.

Volunteering matters

In the two and a half years that I’ve been involved I’ve encountered a range of attitudes to volunteering and school fundraising generally. There are people who turn up for every meeting and volunteer whenever they can (these are usually the people with the least time to spare). Then there are are the ones who don’t understand why we bother and won’t volunteer (some of these people would also complain bitterly if there wasn’t a summer fayre). There are even those who complain about everything just for the sake of something to talk about.

I’ve come to love volunteering because we’re working towards something that benefits other people. That might sound a bit smug when we’re talking about a primary school in a relatively privileged area. There are much worthier causes. But I reckon that anything that makes school a better place to be has got to be a good thing.

Organising PTFA events

My admiration for people who organise events for a living has quadrupled over the time I’ve been doing this. It’s incredibly rewarding helping people have a good time but it totally wears you out. Getting volunteers is often the main challenge, although people generally come through in the end. I’m a realist. If you work full time I don’t expect you to help at a school disco that starts at 3. I often hear ‘I haven’t got time’. I know some people genuinely haven’t, but no-one’s really got time. A job (or a business) and a family is hard work. Yet there are still a few of us who find the time because it’s good fun and the end result is worth it. I admit that I worry about whether anyone will take over when I stop as I’d hate for it all to end.

I know that sounds like a massive whinge. I admit it’s a little one but that’s not why I’m standing down. It’s because my business has gone bonkers since I became chair and I don’t have time to organise things. I also like sleeping. On the plus side I’ve learnt a lot about organising events, which is a useful skill. It’s also made me appreciate how easy planning is when I’m the only person I have to organise.

Getting people together

One of the biggest benefits of getting involved with the PTFA is getting to know people. I’ve gained new friends and strengthened relationships with existing ones. I know lots of school related gossip (and no, I’m not telling you any of it).

If I was carrying on (I’m definitely not) I think I’d simplify the events and stop doing what people expect. I might do a Christmas film with a visit to Santa thrown in rather than a full on Christmas fayre. Maybe a summer social that doesn’t have quite so many moving parts. Something that brings people together to get to know each other and have some fun. That could be the most important bit.