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How YMCA Burton helps the local community

Following the Christmas festivities, the new year can feel a little daunting, not only as we prepare for the year ahead but also after a very busy and expensive time with presents, Christmas dinner and spending time with family and friends. For a lot of people, this is a time that they look forward to in the year, as it’s filled with a lot of joy. However, for others, it can be a difficult time either because they’re alone, struggling with their mental health, are grieving, or perhaps they don’t have a safe place to call home.

How we help

At YMCA Burton, we’re here to help anyone in our local community who needs our support in a time of crisis 24/7, 365 days of the year. Whether it be homelessness, needing an emergency food parcel, wanting to rebuild strained relationships in the home through mediation, needing affordable, good quality second-hand furniture or just having a safe place to have a cuppa, a chat and a hot meal, we are available at YMCA Burton to support in any way that we possibly can.

The heart of our services, Reconnect, which houses 31 units of accommodation, our Foodbank as well as our Family Mediation service and Counselling service. Opposite Asda on James Street in Burton on Trent.
The heart of our services, Reconnect, which houses 31 units of accommodation, our Foodbank as well as our Family Mediation service and Counselling service. Opposite Asda on James Street in Burton on Trent.

There’s more demand than ever

With a strong reputation in the town of Burton-on-Trent for over 135 years, YMCA Burton has faced its highest demand to date across all of its services in 2023. Waiting lists have formed for the first time ever within our Family Mediation Service, the foodbank service has experienced its highest distribution figures in its 23-year history, and our accommodation has constantly been full. It reflects the incredible need for this type of support across the local community as well as the challenges that a lot of individuals and families are facing in their daily lives. This is the harsh reality at the moment, and without us, thousands of individuals and families in and around Burton would be in desperate need of support.

How you can support us

At YMCA Burton, we change lives. However, we can’t do what we do without the help and support of others, as donations are needed more than ever. There are multiple ways that you can support us, depending on the best way for you. This can look like a one-off monetary donation, you could become a monthly donor, giving whatever you can each month to continuously support our work and services. There are also options to donate items of food to our foodbank, leave a gift in your will or perhaps choose to become a volunteer. Whatever way you choose to support us will make a massive difference to our charity and ensure that we can continue to remain a central charity in our local community and help to change lives.

To find out more about our charity and our impact on our local community, head to our website: Furthermore, if you’d like to help make a difference to someone’s life today, please contact our Fundraising & Comms team via / 07754045869

On behalf of all of us at YMCA Burton, thank you very much!

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Mid-January: The time when traditionally, many of us have made New Year Resolutions to lose weight, get fitter, stop smoking or have a ‘dry’ January!  By now, we’ve often ‘fallen off the wagon’ or decided categorically not to bother!

I don’t know about you, but personally, just the thought of the word ‘diet’ makes me want to reach for the biscuit tin! Or search for that leftover box of mince pies!

The question is, why do we feel the pressure to make a New Year’s Resolution?

Apparently, it’s all to do with the Babylonians!   In ancient times, the Babylonians would make promises to the gods in the hope that they would earn good favour in the coming year.  Thousands of years on, this worldwide tradition has continued into to 21st Century.  Incredible!

New Year resolutions may work for some people, but for me, it’s a matter of reverse psychology; as soon as I’m told not to do something, it makes me want to do it even MORE! It simply doesn’t work!

However, as a Yoga practitioner of 30 years, I prefer a much more balanced approach, which absolutely works for me.  It’s also something I use throughout the year, not just for January.

This approach involves making a Sankalpa. 

Sankalpa is a Sanskrit term in yogic philosophy that refers to a heartfelt desire, an intention to do something.  It tends to be an affirmation and comes from deep within.  It’s slightly different to a resolution because unlike a personal goal to achieve something, a Sankalpa is a short positive affirmation or declaration such as “ I am happy and healthy” rather than “ I want to find happiness and get fitter”. 

Examples of a Sankalpa may be:

“I AM healthy and strong.”

“I AM at peace within.”

“I AM enough.”

“I AM loving and kind.”

“ I AM happy and confident in all I do.”

New Year image explaining a Sankalpa.

The Sankalpa is a yogic tool we regularly use to help us focus on our innermost desires; it enables us to use personal power to bring our inner beliefs to fruition.

During Yoga Nidra, a state of deep relaxation or yogic sleep is when the Sankalpa is most resonant.  It is believed that when the mind is relaxed, the Sankalpa can be absorbed by the subconscious.

Furthermore, in Yoga, we believe that whatever your Sankalpa is in life, it is sure to come true!

Maybe you’d like to try making your Sankalpa during a Yin and Nidra class?

To find out more and how Jane can help guide you in your Yoga journey, please take a peek at

Jane Hathaway is an award-winning, Experienced Yoga Teacher (EYT) and Yoga Alliance Professional (YAP). She specialises in Trauma Resilience Embodied Yoga (TREY), Hatha and Yin Yoga and Pranayama.